Monday, July 18, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 24

A photo of something that means a lot to me

Obviously, my wedding rings mean a lot to me, but they are also extra special for a couple of reasons.

My engagement ring center stone was in the ring my dad gave to my mom when he proposed to her. When she got a new engagement ring, my dad told me the original diamond was mine if I ever wanted the stone. Little did I know, he had also told my then boyfriend that also. After 7 years of dating, my boyfriend took him up on the offer, had the stone remade into an engagement ring for me, and totally surprised me with the result! It was so special to me that he would incorporate my mom's diamond into my own ring.

After we were engaged and looking for wedding rings, I came upon a ring one day that I knew was the one. It had 7 small diamonds (one for every year that we had dated) and looked like it was made to match my engagement ring! I remember the jeweler letting me take it out on loan one day to see if I really liked it. And I did. I spent my entire tax return that year on my wedding ring, but I've never regretted it for one second! 

I, of course, cherish my rings not just because they hold diamonds. It took my husband and I a long time to get to where we are today and every time I look at my rings, I'm reminded of what all we've been through and how thankful I am to have him in my life.


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