Monday, August 22, 2011

Quick Update

This weekend I didn't get all my water in nor did I eat all that well or exercise. So imagine my surprise this morning when I was down another pound!!

I've made progress in lots of other areas though. My MIL sent back with my son a box of her super delicious sugar cookies yesterday. I've had a total of 1/2 of a cookie. Go me! I usually devour these, so that's major improvement.

Last night, I laid out my workout clothes and set my alarm for 6:15am. Those of you who know me are probably laughing (I am NOT a morning person!) So I actually got out of the bed when my alarm went off, went to the bathroom, took a peek out the window and to my horror, realized it was pitch black outside. That walk soooo did not happen! But I did make up for it tonight by walking over 1.5 miles and I'm proud that I made myself do that.
I also ate fairly well today so overall it was a good day on my journey! Hoping for another one tomorrow...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Unexpected Culprit

So I've had terrible heartburn for the last week and a half. Literally all day long until I have gone to bed each night. TMI? Maybe, but I'd advise reading on. This is info you might want to know!

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I've been meeting my water intake goal everyday. I've been consuming approximately 100 oz. of water per day. I use the Crystal Light To-Go packets, but I split each pack into multiple cups because I find the flavors far too strong. I use only (1) To-Go packet per day, so really it's very little per cup.


It's not that I dislike regular water, but our City's water has an odor and tastes terrible! Filtering the water doesn't help very much and consistently drinking bottled water isn't quite in the budget.

So back to the heartburn. I began having heartburn at 10am this morning and started thinking how crazy that was. I'd only had a glass of milk, a granola bar, a cup of coffee, and 24 oz. of Crystal Light water by that point. I'm not sure what made me think of it, but it occurred to me that the Crystal Light might be causing the heartburn. I sort of laughed it off, but just to be safe, I didn't drink anymore water. Mid afternoon, I got to a computer and did what I do whenever I need valuable information: I Googled. Sure enough, I wasn't alone. Apparently Crystal Light contains Citric Acid and Aspartame, which are both causes of intense heartburn and upset stomach. Who knew?!

Needless to say, I've taken a brief hiatus from water this afternoon. I'm going to look into different filtering options and until then just drink bottled water!

What did I learn from this? READ THE LABELS!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Journey to Weight Loss

So I started weighing in again last Wednesday. I say again because I've done this on and off for the last 5 years or so. But I'm now the heaviest I've ever been (not counting pregnancy) and am the same weight I was when I was about 7-8 months pregnant with my son. Now there's something to brag about...

I'm calling this a journey because I think that word is more applicable than diet. I don't want to call it a lifestyle change (though I am hoping for that) because that seems overwhelming and impossible at the moment. A journey is more like a road trip. It's attainable, though I don't know when I'll get there.

My plan had originally been to be neck deep in my weight loss journey by my 30th birthday. That was 2 months ago. So I'm regrouping and reminding myself that it's not too late to lose weight. EVER.

I have used some birthday money over the last couple of months to get various pieces of "workout gear." More on the clothes and gadgets later.

I usually work at night after my son goes to bed, but yesterday I made a commitment to journal my weight loss journey. So I'm trying to get my thoughts down tonight. I'm hoping if I can do it consistently for a week, it will get me in the habit. Ultimately I think journaling about efforts towards weight loss is an extremely valuable tool.

If you are on a journey also, I highly recommend following Sara's blog: A Weight-y Life. Sara's journey is wonderful motivation!

My daily goal is meet my water intake amount. For the last week, I've made it each day! Now to work on getting a regular walk in...

And ending on a positive note, my increase in water has led to a 2 lb loss in one week! YIPPEE!!