Thursday, August 18, 2011

Journey to Weight Loss

So I started weighing in again last Wednesday. I say again because I've done this on and off for the last 5 years or so. But I'm now the heaviest I've ever been (not counting pregnancy) and am the same weight I was when I was about 7-8 months pregnant with my son. Now there's something to brag about...

I'm calling this a journey because I think that word is more applicable than diet. I don't want to call it a lifestyle change (though I am hoping for that) because that seems overwhelming and impossible at the moment. A journey is more like a road trip. It's attainable, though I don't know when I'll get there.

My plan had originally been to be neck deep in my weight loss journey by my 30th birthday. That was 2 months ago. So I'm regrouping and reminding myself that it's not too late to lose weight. EVER.

I have used some birthday money over the last couple of months to get various pieces of "workout gear." More on the clothes and gadgets later.

I usually work at night after my son goes to bed, but yesterday I made a commitment to journal my weight loss journey. So I'm trying to get my thoughts down tonight. I'm hoping if I can do it consistently for a week, it will get me in the habit. Ultimately I think journaling about efforts towards weight loss is an extremely valuable tool.

If you are on a journey also, I highly recommend following Sara's blog: A Weight-y Life. Sara's journey is wonderful motivation!

My daily goal is meet my water intake amount. For the last week, I've made it each day! Now to work on getting a regular walk in...

And ending on a positive note, my increase in water has led to a 2 lb loss in one week! YIPPEE!!

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