Friday, June 24, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 1

15 Facts About Me

1. I'm a technology junkie. For my 30th birthday, my parents gave me a new Droid smartphone and laptop. And I was T.H.R.I.L.L.E.D!!!!! :-) (I upgraded from a Blackberry and a 2 year old laptop, so it's not like I was in the dark ages...)

2. My husband and I met when I was 16 and he was 18. We started dating a month or so later and have been together ever since. Believe it or not, we actually waited 7 years before we got married. Now we've been married 6 years and have a 3 year old son.

3. I like lots of punctuation when I write socially (text, email, social media)...and I love the ellipsis (3 punctuation dots).

4. I am an only child. I resent the stereotype that indicates all only children are spoiled brats, even though a large majority of them are.

5. I love photography, but especially photo editing. I don't use Photoshop...just a free photo editing program.

6. I like being sociable electronically. In-person events and phone calls...not so much.

7. I'm crafty and love all things crafty. Etsy is my happy place.

8. I've lived in 7 states in 30 years. The number of cities and times I've moved takes more fingers and toes to count than I have.

9. My favorite color is brown, as long as there is some other color paired with it. My husband's favorite color is blue and green plaid. We are an odd match made in Heaven.

10. Only people very close to me call me by my nickname, Lyd. I get annoyed if people I barely know refer to me that way.

11. I have realized I despise the smell of sunscreen. I gag a little every morning as I spray down my son before preschool.

12. I've always loved skin care and makeup, but have never had flawless skin. Only a few years ago did I find makeup that I finally ADORE. I heart Aveda.

13. I maintain a very small network of close family/friends. But those people know who they are and I am infinitely protective and loyal to them.

14. I love coffee and most recently, iced coffee. I prefer that it have chocolate included. Nuff said.

15. I don't like writing emails, letters, thank you notes (although I'm a stickler about those), or research papers...which is probably why my network of friends is so small! Odd that I have a blog? Yes. Definitely.


  1. You just have NO idea how much alike we are, especially regarding #1, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13 and 15!!! I will have to check out Aveda now!

  2. You met your husband while in highschol at HA? Do I know him?
