Thursday, June 30, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 7

My Day in Detail...

This could quite possibly be the most boring recap EVAH, but it's a pretty typical day!

Woke up a little early this morning around 7:15 ish.
Went in the bathroom and found ants coming in from the window sill. UGH.
Cleaned up ants, did some laundry, and got back in bed to check email/FB/blogs.
Got up again, made coffee, J's lunch and my breakfast.
Gabby Dog got up so I let her out.
Headed to computer with breakfast and credit card to complete a supply order.
J got up so I stopped to fix his breakfast then got back to computer and finished placing order and also finished breakfast.
Grabbed my coffee and headed to the shower. Got myself and J ready and headed to the car to take him to preschool.
Dropped J off at preschool a little late around 9:15-ish (which is what always happens when I get up early!!)
Got home, let the dog out (again) and started work.
Around noon, realized I was hungry and made some lunch.
Worked until 12:45 when I had to leave to get J at school.
Got J from school and headed home.
Finally made it home after J needed an emergency pit stop (we live 3 miles from his school, but you don't chance it when a Toddler says he needs to "GO!"), got J a snack, and then worked on a couple of orders til it was time for J's nap around 2.
Got him tucked in and went back to work for the next 2 hours while he napped. I worked on a few more orders from 4-5 while he watched Cars (his favorite!!)
T got home a little after 5 and fixed up some meat for our cookout Saturday while J and I relaxed.
We grabbed a bite to eat out (since neither of us felt like cooking...saving the pork chops for next week!!), returned an ink cartridge at Office Depot and came home.
T and J played outside after we got home while I worked/played on the computer.
T gave J his bath and put him to bed and while I updated some things on the website.
I've been chatting with T for about an hour and a half now, while watching a DVR'd "America's Got Talent" and playing Words with Friends. :-) Probably will work on designs and a couple of website updates, then head to bed within the next half an hour.

(Yes, contrary to what people think, I work A LOT!)

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